AEA Astronomy Club Newsletter September 2013
AEA Astronomy Club News & Calendar p.1
Video(s) & Picture(s) of the Month p. 2
Astronomy News p. 6
General Calendar p.8
Colloquia, lectures, mtgs. p. 8
Observing p. 10
Useful Links p. 10
About the Club p. 11
Club News & Calendar.
AEA Astronomy Club News & Calendar p.1
Video(s) & Picture(s) of the Month p. 2
Astronomy News p. 6
General Calendar p.8
Colloquia, lectures, mtgs. p. 8
Observing p. 10
Useful Links p. 10
About the Club p. 11
Club News & Calendar.
Club Meeting Schedule:
19 Sep 2013
Club Meeting
Using the Club’s
16-inch Dobsonian
17 Oct 2013
Club Meeting
21 Nov 2013
Club Meeting
A Tour of the new
Aerospace E POD (A6) Telescope & Facility
19 Dec 2013
Club Meeting
Mars Exploration
AEA Astronomy Club meetings are on 3rd Thursdays at 11:45am. For all of 2013 except September, the meeting room is A1/1735.
Note the
change of rooms for our September 19 mtg. – A1/2906.
Presumably for Oct.-Jan., at least, we’ll be back in A1/1735. Jason Fields is our club’s most
accomplished observer, as evidenced by his incredible observing reports. He’s spent several nights with the club’s
16-inch Dobsonian, and will share with us pointers (tutorial) on its use (Mt. Pinos ,
etc.), demonstrating with the telescope at the mtg. And he’ll share some of his experiences, and
possibly some teasers of other topics he could speak to at subsequent meetings.
17: Wally Pacholka is a local (Long Beach ) but world-renowned professional
astrophotographer who specializes in Milky Way shots that include
spectacular scenes from national parks, etc.
He’s also a friend of Jason Fields’.
You can see some of his award-winning & commercial photos at Wally will share some of his work, techniques, etc.
For our Nov. 21 mtg., Rick Rudy of the Remote
Sensing Dept. will give us a tour of the
new in-house-built telescope in the A6 E Pod. See the Orbiter story on the new telescope
On Dec. 19, Matthew Eby will share his work on "... the exploration of Mars and a research project
underway to develop and demonstrate an architecture for landing a small microprobe on Mars using a derivative of
Aerospace’s small reentry spacecraft. "
See a story on his IRAD & balloon drop test at
Video(s) & Picture(s) of the Month
(from Astronomy Picture of the
Day, APOD: Video: Noctilucent Clouds and Aurora Over Scotland
Video Credit: Maciej Winiarczyk; Music: Jolanta Galka-Kurkowska
Explanation: Why would the sky still glow after sunset? Besides stars and the band of our Milky Way galaxy, the sky might glow because it contains either noctilucent clouds or aurora. Rare individually, both are visible in the above time lapse movie taken over Caithness, Scotland, UK taken during a single night earlier this month. First noted in 1885, many noctilucent clouds are known to correlate with atmospheric meteor trails, although details and the origins of others remain a topic of research. These meandering bright filaments of sunlight-reflecting ice crystals are the highest clouds in the Earth's atmosphere. The above video captures not only a variety of noctilucent clouds, but also how their structure varies over minutes. Lower clouds typically appear dark or fast moving. About halfway through the video the clouds are joined by aurora. At times, low clouds, noctilucent clouds, and aurora are all visible simultaneously, each doing their own separate dance, and once -- see if you can find it -- even with the Big Dipper rotating across the background.
Video: A Flight through the
Hubble Ultra Deep Field
Video Credit: NASA, ESA, F. Summers, Z. Levay, L. Frattare, B. Mobasher, A. Koekemoer and the HUDF Team (STScI)
Explanation: What would it look like
to fly through the distant universe? To find out, a team of astronomers
estimated the relative distances to over 5,000 galaxies in one of the most
distant fields of galaxies ever imaged: the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF). Because it takes
light a long time to cross the universe, most galaxies visible in the above video are seen when the
universe was only a fraction of its current age, were still forming, and have unusual
shapes when compared to modern galaxies. No mature looking spiral galaxies such
as our Milky Way or the Andromeda galaxy yet exist. Toward the end of the video the virtual observer flies past the farthest galaxies in the HUDF field, recorded to have
a redshift past 8. This early class of low luminosity galaxies likely contained energetic stars emitting light that transformed much of the remaining normal matter in the universe from a
cold gas to a hot ionized plasma.Video Credit: NASA, ESA, F. Summers, Z. Levay, L. Frattare, B. Mobasher, A. Koekemoer and the HUDF Team (STScI)
Video: M1: The Incredible
Expanding Crab
Image Credit & Copyright: Adam Block, Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter, U. Arizona
Explanation: The Crab Nebula is
cataloged as M1, the first on Charles Messier's famous list of things which are not comets. In fact, the Crab is now known to be a
supernova remnant, an expanding cloud of debris from the explosion of a massive
star. The violent birth of the Crab was witnessed by astronomers in the year 1054. Roughly 10 light-years across today, the
nebula is still expanding at a rate of over 1,000 kilometers per second. Want
to watch the Crab Nebula expand? Check out this video (vimeo) animation comparing an image of M1 taken in 1999 at the European Southern Observatory, with this one, taken in 2012 at the Image Credit & Copyright: Adam Block, Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter, U. Arizona
The Quiet Sagittarius A*
Explanation: Hot gas is hard to
swallow. At least that seems to be true for the supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. Known as source Sagittarius A*, the Milky Way's black hole is centered in this infrared (red and yellow hues) and X-ray (blue) composite.
Based on data from an extensive campaign of observations by the orbiting Chandra X-ray telescope, the
diffuse emission surrounding the black hole is seen in the close-up inset, the
inset field spanning about 1/2 light-year across the galactic center some
26,000 light-years away. Astronomers have found that the X-ray emission originates
in hot gas drawn from the winds of massive young stars in the region. The Chandra data indicate that only about
1% or less of the gas within the black hole's gravitational influence ever
reaches the event horizon, losing enough heat and angular momentum to fall into
the black hole, while the rest of the gas escapes in an outflow. The result explains why the Milky Way's black hole is so quiet, much fainter
than might be expected in energetic X-rays. It
likely holds for most supermassive black holes in galaxies in the nearby
2013 August 15
The Magellanic Stream
Credit: Science - NASA, ESA, A. Fox, P. Richter et al.
Image - D. Nidever et al., NRAO/AUI/NSF, A. Mellinger, LAB Survey, Parkes, Westerbork, and Arecibo Obs.
Explanation: In an astronomical version of the search for the source of the Nile, astronomers now have
strong evidence for the origin of the Magellanic Stream. This composite image
shows the long ribbon of gas, discovered at radio wavelengths in the 1970s, in
pinkish hues against an optical all-sky view across the plane of our Milky Way
galaxy. Both Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, dwarf satellite galaxies of the the Milky Way,
are seen near the head of the stream at the right. Data from Hubble's Cosmic Origins Spectrograph were used to explore abundances of elements along
sightlines to quasars that intersect the stream. The results indicate that most
of the stream's material comes from the Small Magellanic Cloud. The Magellanic
Stream is likely the result of gravitational tidal interactionsbetween the two dwarf galaxies some 2 billion years ago, the Small Magellanic Cloud losing
more material in the encounter because of its lower mass.Credit: Science - NASA, ESA, A. Fox, P. Richter et al.
Image - D. Nidever et al., NRAO/AUI/NSF, A. Mellinger, LAB Survey, Parkes, Westerbork, and Arecibo Obs.
2013 August 24
Explanation: This friendly photo collage is constructed from more than 1,400 images shared by denizens of planet Earth as part of the Cassini Mission's July 19th Wave at Saturn event. The base picture of Earth corresponds to the view from the Saturn-orbiting Cassini spacecraft on that date as its own cameras recorded images including planet Earth as a pale blue dot in the background. Of course, Saturn was 9.65 Astronomical Units away at the time, so it took light from all the waving Earth dwellers just over 80 minutes to travel there. Want to smile? Download and zoom in to the full-resolution (28MB jpg file) collage image available here.
Astronomy News:
UA astronomers take sharpest photos
ever of the night sky
Wednesday, August 21, 2013 - 17:22 in Astronomy
& Space
Related images
(click to enlarge)
Yuri Beletsky, Las Campanas Observatory
Laird Close and Ya-Lin Wu; NASA, C.R. O'Dell and S.K. Wong
Laird Close/UA
Astronomers at the University of Arizona ,
the Arcetri Observatory near Florence ,
Italy and the
Carnegie Observatory have developed a new type of camera that allows scientists
to take sharper images of the night sky than ever before. The team has been
developing this technology for more than 20 years at observatories in Arizona , most recently at the Large Binocular Telescope,
or LBT, and has now deployed the latest version of these cameras in the high desert of Chile at the Magellan 6.5-meter
"It was very
exciting to see this new camera make the night sky look sharper than has ever
before been possible," said UA astronomy professor Laird Close, the
project's principal scientist. "We can, for the first time, make
long-exposure images that resolve objects just 0.02 arcseconds across -- the
equivalent of a dime viewed from more than a hundred miles away. At that
resolution, you could see a baseball diamond on the moon."
The twofold
improvement over past efforts rests on the fact that for the first time, a
telescope with a large diameter primary mirror is being used for digital
photography at its theoretical resolution limit in visible wavelengths -- light
that the human eye can see.
"As we move
towards shorter wavelengths, image sharpness improves," said Jared Males,
a NASA Sagan Fellow at the UA's department of astronomy. "Until now, large
telescopes could make the theoretically sharpest photos only in infrared -- or
long wavelength -- light, but our new camera can take photos that are twice as
sharp in the visible light spectrum."
These images are also
at least twice as sharp as what the Hubble Space Telescope can make, because
with its 21-foot diameter mirror, the Magellan telescope is much larger than
Hubble with its 8-foot mirror. Until now, Hubble always produced the best visible
light images, since even large ground-based telescope with complex adaptive
optics imaging cameras could only make blurry images in visible light.
To overcome
atmospheric turbulence, which plagues earth-based telescopes by causing the
image to blur, Close's team developed a very powerful adaptive optics system
that floats a thin (1/16th of an inch) curved glass mirror (2.8 feet across) on
a magnetic field 30 feet above the telescope's primary mirror.
This so-called
Adaptive Secondary Mirror (ASM) can change its shape at 585 points on its
surface 1,000 times each second, counteracting the blurring effects of the
"As a result, we
can see the visible sky more clearly than ever before," Close said.
"It's almost like having a telescope with a 21-foot mirror in space."
new adaptive optics system, called MagAO for "Magellan Adaptive
Optics," has already made some important scientific discoveries, published
today in three scientific papers in the Astrophysical Journal. As the system was
being tested and received what astronomers call "first light," the
team pointed it to a famous and well-studied massive star that gives the Great
Orion Nebula (Object M42) most of its UV light. The Orion Nebula, located just
below Orion's Belt visible as smudge of light even with regular binoculars.
Considered young at
about 1 million years old, this star, called Theta 1 Ori C, has been previously
known to be in fact a binary star pair made up of two stars called C1 and C2.
However, the separation between the two is so small -- about the average
distance between Earth and Uranus -- that astronomers had never been able to
resolve the famous pair in a direct telescope photo.
Once MagAO and its
visible science camera called VisAO were pointed towards Theta Ori 1 C, the
results were immediate.
"I have been
imaging Theta 1 Ori C for more than 20 years and never could directly see that
it was in fact two stars," Close said. "But as soon as we turned on
the MagAO system it was beautifully split into two stars."
In another result,
MagAO has shed light on another mystery: How do how planets form from disks of
dust and gas affected by the strong ionizing light called stellar wind coming
from a massive star like Theta 1 Ori C, which has about 44 times the mass of
the sun?
The team used MagAO
and VisAO to look for red light from ionized hydrogen gas to trace out how the
strong UV radiation and stellar wind from Theta 1 Ori C affects the disks
around its neighboring stars.
"Close to Theta 1
Ori C, there are two very young stars surrounded by disks of gas and
dust," said Ya-Lin Wu, a graduate student and lead author on one of the
publications. "Theta 1 Ori C pummels those disks with stellar wind and UV
light. It looks like they are being bent backwards by a strong wind."
MagAO's photo revealed
that the two stars and their protoplanetary disks are heavily distorted into
teardrop shapes as the strong UV light and wind create shock fronts and drag
gas downwind of the pair.
The distribution of
gas and dust in young planetary systems is another unsolved problem in planet
formation. The team used VisAO's simultaneous/spectral differential imager, or
SDI, to estimate the mass of another intriguing object in the Orion Nebula: one
of a few stars in Orion sporting a rare "silhouette disk." The SDI
camera allowed the light from the star to be removed at a very high level --
offering, for the first time, a clear look at the inner regions of the
disk lies in front of the bright Orion nebula, so we see the dark shadow cast
as the dust in the disk absorbs background light from the nebula," said
Kate Follette, a graduate student and lead author of one of the three papers
published in the Astrophysical
"Picture a moth flying across a bright movie screen: Its body will appear
opaque, while the wings will be partially transparent. Our SDI instrument
allows us to peer into the silhouette and trace how much dust is at each
location in the disk based on how transparent or opaque it is."
"We were
surprised to find that the amount of attenuated light from the nebula never
reached an opaque point," she said. "It seems as though the outer
parts of this disk have less dust than we would have expected."
"It is important
to understand how dust is laid out in these objects because that dust and gas
is what nature uses to build planets," Close explained. "Our new
imaging capabilities revealed there is very little dust and gas in the outer
part of the disk."
According to Close,
the silhouette disk might have been close to the massive star Theta 1 Ori C at
some point, which might have blown away its outer dust and gas.
"This tells us
something about planet-forming disks in these dense, stellar nurseries,"
Close said. "There appears to be a limit to the formation of massive
planets very far away from their parent stars. One possible explanation might
be the presence of a massive star like Theta 1 Ori C stripping away the outer
gas and dust."
Source: University of Arizona
General Calendar:
Colloquia, Lectures, Seminars, Meetings, Open Houses & Tours:
Colloquia: Carnegie (Tues. 4pm), UCLA,
Caltech (Wed. 4pm), IPAC (Wed. 12:15pm) & other Pasadena (daily 12-4pm):
Carnegie astronomy lectures – only 4 per year in the Spring
Visit for directions. For more information about the Carnegie
Observatories or this lecture series, please contact Reed Haynie.
6 Sept
SBAS Monthly General Meeting at El Camino
College planetarium. 7:30 PM
Topic: “Adaptive Optics
Speaker: Dr. Reed Riddle, California Institute of
9 Sept
LAAS LAAS General Meeting.
Event Horizon Theater 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM |
Telexploration: How
video game technologies can take NASA to the next level
How would you like to swim in the oceans of
Europa? What would it feel like to climb Mount Olympus
on Mars? Is it possible for all of us to experience these journeys together?
The goal of the Telexploration project is to make us better explorers by
building immersive environments that feel like we are really there. By drawing
together technologies from sources as unlikely as the video game industry and
advancing the state of the art in human-system interaction, we are working
towards low-cost “holodecks” - not only for every NASA mission scientist, but
for every person who longs to explore space with us. This presentation will
describe our progress towards these ambitious goals as well as the challenges
that are ahead.
Dr. Jeff Norris
Planning & Execution Systems manager, Systems and Software Division Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Thursday, Sept
12, 2013, 7pm The von Kármán Auditorium at JPL 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA › Directions Friday, Sept 13, 2013, 7pm The Vosloh Forum at Pasadena City College 1570 East Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA › Directions |
We offer two options to
view the live streaming of our webcast on Thursday: › 1) Ustream with real-time web chat to take public questions. › 2) Flash Player with open captioning If you don't have Flash Player, you can download for free here. |
19 Sep 2013
Club Meeting
Using the Club’s
16-inch Dobsonian
The following
data are from the 2013 Observer’s Handbook, and Sky & Telescope’s 2013 Skygazer’s
Almanac & monthly Sky at a Glance.
A weekly 5 minute video about what’s up in the night sky:
Moon & Planets for September:
Moon: Sept 5 new, Sept 12 1st
quarter, Sept 19 full, Sept 27 last quarter
Planets: Mercury, Venus &
Saturn are visible briefly after sunset in the West. Mars & Jupiter are in the pre-dawn sky in the East.
7 Sept
out-of-town observing – contact Greg Benecke
7 Sept
LAAS Dark Sky Night :
Public Star Party:
22 Sept Autumnal Equinox
SBAS Star Party (weather permitting): RPV at
Ridgecrest Middle School 28915 North Bay Rd.
Internet Links:
Link(s) of the Month
Link(s) of the Month
A weekly 5 minute video about what’s up in the night sky:
Telescope, Binocular & Accessory Buying Guides
About the Club
Club Websites: Internal (Aerospace): It is updated to reflect this newsletter, in addition to a listing of past club mtg. presentations, astronomy news, photos & events from prior newsletters, club equipment, membership & constitution. We have linked some presentation materials from past mtgs. Our club newsletters are also being posted to an external blog, “An Astronomical View”
Club Websites: Internal (Aerospace): It is updated to reflect this newsletter, in addition to a listing of past club mtg. presentations, astronomy news, photos & events from prior newsletters, club equipment, membership & constitution. We have linked some presentation materials from past mtgs. Our club newsletters are also being posted to an external blog, “An Astronomical View”
Membership. For information, current dues & application, contact Alan Olson, or see the club website (or Aerolink folder) where a form is also available (go to the membership link/folder & look at the bottom). Benefits will include use of club telescope(s) & library/software, discounts on Sky & Telescope magazine and Observer’s Handbook, field trips, great programs, having a say in club activities, acquisitions & elections, etc.
Committee Suggestions & Volunteers. Feel free to contact: Mark Clayson, President & Program Committee Chairman (& acting club VP), TBD Activities Committee Chairman (& club Secretary), or Alan Olson, Resource Committee Chairman (over equipment & library, and club Treasurer).
Mark Clayson,
AEA Astronomy Club President