AEA Astronomy Club
Newsletter January 2015
AEA Astronomy Club News & Calendar p.1
Video(s) & Picture(s) of the Month p. 3
Astronomy News p. 10
General Calendar p.12
Colloquia, lectures, mtgs. p. 12
Observing p. 13
Useful Links p. 15
About the Club p. 15
Club News & Calendar.
AEA Astronomy Club News & Calendar p.1
Video(s) & Picture(s) of the Month p. 3
Astronomy News p. 10
General Calendar p.12
Colloquia, lectures, mtgs. p. 12
Observing p. 13
Useful Links p. 15
About the Club p. 15
Club News & Calendar.
Club Meeting Schedule:
8 Jan
Club Meeting
Party & Astronomy Fun & Games, Astrophotos
AEA Astronomy Club meetings are now on 1st Thursdays at 11:45am. For all of 2015, the meeting room is A1/1735. Jan. 8 is an exception (2nd Thursday) due to New Year’s Day.
For the Jan. 8 club mtg., it's time for our quarterly pizza party, and some astrophotos and/or video(s), and astronomy fun & games.
Pizza & drink are free for members, $5 for others -- must RSVP to Mark Clayson (, x60708) by Jan. 6, 10:00am w. preferences – see menu below).
Menu options for Jan. 8 lunch (give 1st & 2nd choices when you RSVP by Jan. 6 – we’ll have to share pizzas, so you may not get your first choice – hopefully at least your 2nd):
Pizzas (order drink separate (see below):
The Works Pizza
Three Cheese Pizza
Barbecued Chicken Pizza
Margherita Pizza with Fresh Basil, Tomato and Mozzarella
Grilled Vegetable Pizza
Bottled or canned juice, water or soda (specify)
Pitcher of water
Wraps (includes a green salad or chips, choice of assorted cookies & sodas – please specify):
Grilled Chicken Caesar Wrap
Garden Vegetarian Wrap
A reminder that for most of us, our club membership expired Dec. 31 (except those who joined in the last few months and likely paid also for 2015). If you haven’t yet, we invite you to renew for 2015 at your earliest convenience & in time for the pizza lunch Jan. 8 (the first of our quarterly pizza parties of the year) -- we must have your $12 dues payment (& pizza order -- see the menu above) by Thursday, Jan. 8 to get member credit. See the club website for the many other benefits of membership. Please submit the renewal form (available on Aerolink at, or attached) with your payment ($12 check made out to AEA Astronomy Club) to Alan Olson at M1-107.
Fields has been busy doing some astrophotography -- M42, M33 & M51 images below. Note the streaks in the M42 image – can you
guess what they are? Here are his
“Attached is a single, unprocessed
30-second image taken with a 10-cm refractor (*) and a DSLR (**) on 26 November
at 23:07 PST. Light pollution, focus, camera mount to telescope, and tracking
mount error were all issues... I was just testing a few pieces of new equipment
that night. … Back of the envelope: I estimate the faintest stars in
this image are around mag ~17; the five brighter … streaks are probably mag ~13
or so.”
“I know that in darker conditions, in better focus, on a
better mount, I can reach mag = 20.00 (measured, confirmed against a catalog)
with this same refractor and camera with just 9 x four-minute exposures, median
stacked; see the second and third attached images, both taken in June before I
had a field flattener and proper camera t-adapter. There is no processing done
to either of those images except for stacking and some stretching of the
intensity histogram.”
“For an idea of what similar equipment can do with two
nights' worth of 9-minute frames, see APOD for 10/23.”
StellarVue 102-mm triplet f/7
(**) Canon
EOS 6D; CMOS; I estimate the <QE> to be ~5% -- very low!; pixel pitch =
6.55 um; pixel IFOV = 9.35 urad = 1.93 arcsec
(All images downsampled for this email)
Astronomy Video(s)
& Picture(s) of the Month
Astronomy Picture of the Day, APOD:
Video Credit: Visuals: Erik Wernquist; Music: Christian Sandquist Words & Voice: Carl Sagan Explanation: How far out will humanity explore? If this video's fusion of real space imagery and fictional space visualizations is on the right track, then at least the Solar System. Some of the video's wondrous sequences depict futurehumans drifting through the rings of Saturn, exploring Jupiter from a nearby spacecraft, and jumping off a high cliff in the low gravity of a moon of Uranus. Although no one can know the future, wandering and exploring beyond boundaries -- both physical and intellectual -- is part of the human spirit and has frequently served humanity well in the past.
Video Credit: Visuals: Erik Wernquist; Music: Christian Sandquist Words & Voice: Carl Sagan Explanation: How far out will humanity explore? If this video's fusion of real space imagery and fictional space visualizations is on the right track, then at least the Solar System. Some of the video's wondrous sequences depict futurehumans drifting through the rings of Saturn, exploring Jupiter from a nearby spacecraft, and jumping off a high cliff in the low gravity of a moon of Uranus. Although no one can know the future, wandering and exploring beyond boundaries -- both physical and intellectual -- is part of the human spirit and has frequently served humanity well in the past.
Infrared Visible Andromeda
Image Credit: Subaru Telescope (NAOJ), Hubble Space Telescope
Mayall 4M Telescope (KPNO, NOAO), Digitized Sky Survey, Spitzer Space Telescope
Processing & Copyright: Robert Gendler
Explanation: This remarkable synthetic color composite image was assembled
from archives of visible light and infrared astronomy image data. The field of
view spans the Andromeda Galaxy (M31), a massive spiral a mere 2.5 million
light-years away. In fact, with over twice the diameter of our own Milky Way, Andromeda is the largest nearby galaxy. Andromeda's
population of bright young blue stars lie along its sweeping spiral arms, with
the telltale reddish glow of star forming regions traced in space- and
ground-based visible light data. But infrared data from the Spitzer Space Telescope, also blended
directly into the detailed composite's red and green color channels, highlight
the lumpy dust lanes warmed by the young stars as they wind ever closer to the galaxy's core. Otherwise
invisible at optical wavelengths, the warm dust takes on orange hues. Two
smaller companion galaxies, M110 (below) andM32 (above) are also included in the frame.Image Credit: Subaru Telescope (NAOJ), Hubble Space Telescope
Mayall 4M Telescope (KPNO, NOAO), Digitized Sky Survey, Spitzer Space Telescope
Processing & Copyright: Robert Gendler
Lovejoy before a Globular Star Cluster
Image Credit & Copyright: Dieter Willasch (Astro-Cabinet)
Explanation: Comet
Lovejoy has become visible to the unaided eye. To see the comet, just go
outside an hour or so after sunset and look for a fuzzy patch to the right of Orion's belt. Binoculars and a star chart may help. Pictured here, Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) was captured three days ago passing nearly in
front of M79, the globular star cluster
visible as the bright spot slightly above and to the left of the comet's
green-hued coma. The nucleus of Comet Lovejoy is a giant dirty iceberg that is shedding gas into
a long and intricate ion tail, extending across the image, as it nears the Sun. The comet is expected to become even easier to spot for northern observers during January, as it is
rises earlier and, hopefully, continues to brighten.Image Credit & Copyright: Dieter Willasch (Astro-Cabinet)
The Cliffs
of Comet Churyumov–Gerasimenko
Image Credit & Licence (CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO): ESA, Rosetta spacecraft, NAVCAM; Additional Processing: Stuart Atkinson
Explanation: These high
cliffs occur on the surface of a comet. They were discovered to be part of the
dark nucleus of Comet
Churyumov–Gerasimenko (CG) by Rosetta, a robotic
spacecraft launched by ESA which began orbiting the comet in early August.
The ragged cliffs, as featured here, were
imaged by Rosetta about two weeks ago. Although towering about one kilometer
high, the low surface gravity of Comet CG would likely make a jump from thecliffs, by a human, survivable. At
the foot of the cliffs is relatively smooth terrain dotted with boulders as large as 20 meters across. Data from Rosetta
indicates that the ice in Comet CG has a significantly different deuterium
fraction -- and hence likely a different origin -- than the water in Earth's oceans. The Rosetta
spacecraft is
scheduled to continue to accompany the comet as it makes its closest approach
to the Sun in 2015 August.Image Credit & Licence (CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO): ESA, Rosetta spacecraft, NAVCAM; Additional Processing: Stuart Atkinson
Explanation: Why do some places on Earth have higher gravity than others? Sometimes the reason is unknown. To help better understand the Earth's surface, sensitive measurements by the orbiting satellites GRACE and CHAMPwere used to create a map of Earth's gravitational field. Since a center for studying these data is in Potsdam, Germany, and since the result makes the Earth look somewhat like a potato, the resulting geoid has been referred to as the Potsdam Gravity Potato. High areas on this map, colored red, indicate areas where gravity is slightly stronger than usual, while in blue areas gravity is slightly weaker. Many bumps and valleys on the Potsdam Gravity Potato can be attributed to surface features, such as the North Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Himalayan Mountains, but others cannot, and so might relate to unusually high or low sub-surface densities. Maps like this also help calibrate changes in the Earth's surface including variable ocean currents and the melting of glaciers. The above map was made in 2005, but more recent and more sensitive gravity maps of Earth were produced in 2011.
Mysterious Methane of Mars
Illustration Credit: Methane Workshop, Frascati Italy, Villanueva et al. 2009, ESA Medialab, NASA
Explanation: What's
creating methane on Mars? Recent measurements from the robotic Curiosity rover currently rolling across Mars indicate a surprising 10-fold
increase in
atmospheric methane between measurements only months apart. Life is
a major producer of methane on Earth, and so speculation is
rampant that some sort of life -- possibly microbial life -- is creating methane beneath the surface of Mars. Other
possibilities do exist, though, with a leading model being the sudden release
of methane produced by the mixing of specific soil
chemicals with underground water. Proposed origins of Martian methane are depicted in the featured illustration. The
origin of Mars' methane is a very active area of research, with missions like Curiosity and India's Mars Orbiter Mission searching for clues by measuring methane
abundance changes and possible byproducts of different methane-producing
processes.Illustration Credit: Methane Workshop, Frascati Italy, Villanueva et al. 2009, ESA Medialab, NASA
Crystals on
Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, MSSS
Explanation: This extreme close-up, a mosaic
from the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) on the
Curiosity rover, spans a breathtaking 5 centimeters. It captures what appear to
be elongated crystal shapes formed by the precipitation of minerals dissolved
in water, a likely result of the evaporation of ancient lake or river from the Martian
surface. Brushed by a dust removal tool and illuminated by white LEDs,
the target rock named Mojave was found on the Pink Cliffs outcrop of the
Pahrump Hills at the base of Mount Sharp. The MAHLI
images were acquired on Curiosity's sol 809, known on planet Earth as November 15,
2014. Of course, the inset 1909 Lincoln Cent image is provided for a comparison scale.
Covered with Mars dust itself, the penny is a MAHLI calibration target attached
to the rover.Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, MSSS
detect possible signal from dark matter
Thursday, December 11, 2014 - 15:45 in Astronomy
& Space
Could there finally be tangible evidence for the existence of
dark matter in the Universe? After sifting through reams of X-ray data,
scientists in EPFL's Laboratory of Particle Physics and Cosmology (LPPC) and
Leiden University believe they could have identified the signal of a particle
of dark matter. This substance, which up to now has been purely hypothetical,
is run by none of the standard models of physics other than through the
gravitational force. Their research will be published next week in Physical Review Letters. When
physicists study the dynamics of galaxies and the movement of stars, they are
confronted with a mystery. If they only take visible matter into account, their
equations simply don't add up: the elements that can be observed are not
sufficient to explain the rotation of objects and the existing gravitational
forces. There is something missing. From this they deduced that there must be
an invisible kind of matter that does not interact with light, but does, as a
whole, interact by means of the gravitational force. Called "dark
matter," this substance appears to make up at least 80% of the Universe.
Andromeda and Perseus revisited
Two groups have recently
announced that they have detected the much sought after signal. One of them,
led by EPFL scientists Oleg Ruchayskiy and Alexey Boyarsky, also a professor at
Leiden University in the Netherlands, found it by analyzing X-rays emitted by
two celestial objects -- the Perseus galaxy cluster and the Andromeda galaxy.
After having collected thousands of signals from the ESA's XMM-Newton telescope
and eliminated all those coming from known particles and atoms, they detected
an anomaly that, even considering the possibility of instrument or measurement
error, caught their attention.
The signal appears in the X-ray
spectrum as a weak, atypical photon emission that could not be attributed to
any known form of matter. Above all, "the signal's distribution within the
galaxy corresponds exactly to what we were expecting with dark matter, that is,
concentrated and intense in the center of objects and weaker and diffuse on the
edges," explains Ruchayskiy. "With the goal of verifying our findings,
we then looked at data from our own galaxy, the Milky Way, and made the same
observations," says Boyarsky.
A new era
The signal comes from a very rare
event in the Universe: a photon emitted due to the destruction of a
hypothetical particle, possibly a "sterile neutrino." If the
discovery is confirmed, it will open up new avenues of research in particle
physics. Apart from that, "It could usher in a new era in astronomy,"
says Ruchayskiy. "Confirmation of this discovery may lead to construction
of new telescopes specially designed for studying the signals from dark matter
particles," adds Boyarsky. "We will know where to look in order to
trace dark structures in space and will be able to reconstruct how the Universe
has formed."
Source: Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de
storm' quenching star formation around a supermassive black hole
Published: Wednesday, December 17, 2014 - 17:47 in Astronomy
& Space
B. Saxton (NRAO/AUI/NSF)
High-energy jets powered by
supermassive black holes can blast away a galaxy's star-forming fuel, resulting
in so-called "red and dead" galaxies: those brimming with ancient red
stars yet containing little or no hydrogen gas to create new ones. Now
astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) have
discovered that black holes don't have to be nearly so powerful to shut down
star formation. By observing the dust and gas at the center of NGC 1266, a
nearby lenticular galaxy with a relatively modest central black hole, the
astronomers have detected a "perfect storm" of turbulence that is
squelching star formation in a region that would otherwise be an ideal star
This turbulence is stirred up by
jets from the galaxy's central black hole slamming into an incredibly dense
envelope of gas. This dense region, which may be the result of a recent merger
with another smaller galaxy, blocks nearly 98 percent of material propelled by
the jets from escaping the galactic center.
"Like an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object, the
particles in these jets meet so much resistance when they hit the surrounding
dense gas that they are almost completely stopped in their tracks," said
Katherine Alatalo, an astronomer with the California Institute of Technology in
Pasadena and lead author on a paper published in the Astrophysical Journal. This
energetic collision produces powerful turbulence in the surrounding gas,
disrupting the first critical stage of star formation. "So what we see is
the most intense suppression of star formation ever observed," noted
Previous observations of NGC 1266
revealed a broad outflow of gas from the galactic center traveling up to 400
kilometers per second. Alatalo and her colleagues estimate that this outflow is
as forceful as the simultaneous supernova explosion of 10,000 stars. The jets,
though powerful enough to stir the gas, are not powerful enough to give it the
velocity it needs to escape from the system.
"Another way of looking at
it is that the jets are injecting turbulence into the gas, preventing it from
settling down, collapsing, and forming stars," said National Radio
Astronomy Observatory astronomer and co-author Mark Lacy.
The region observed by ALMA
contains about 400 million times the mass of our Sun in star-forming gas, which
is 100 times more than is found in giant star-forming molecular clouds in our
own Milky Way. Normally, gas this concentrated should be producing stars at a
rate at least 50 times faster than the astronomers observe in this galaxy.
Previously, astronomers believed
that only extremely powerful quasars and radio galaxies contained black holes
that were powerful enough to serve as a star-forming "on/off" switch.
"The usual assumption in the
past has been that the jets needed to be powerful enough to eject the gas from
the galaxy completely in order to be effective at stopping start
formation," said Lacy.
To make this discovery, the
astronomers first pinpointed the location of the far-infrared light being emitted
by the galaxy. Normally, this light is associated with star formation and
enables astronomers to detect regions where new stars are forming. In the case
of NGC 1266, however, this light was coming from an extremely confined region
at the center of the galaxy. "This very small area was almost too small
for the infrared light to be coming from star formation," noted Alatalo.
With ALMA's exquisite sensitivity
and resolution, and along with observations from CARMA (the Combined Array for
Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy), the astronomers were then able to trace
the location of the very dense molecular gas at the galactic center. They found
that the gas is surrounding this compact source of the far-infrared light.
Under normal conditions, gas this
dense would be forming stars at a very high rate. The dust embedded within this
gas would then be heated by young stars and seen as a bright and extended
source of infrared light. The small size and faintness of the infrared source
in this galaxy suggests that NGC 1266 is instead choking on its own fuel,
seemingly in defiance of the rules of star formation.
The astronomers also speculate
that there is a feedback mechanism at work in this region. Eventually, the
black hole will calm down and the turbulence will subside so star-formation can
begin anew. With this renewed star formation, however, comes greater motion in
the dense gas, which then falls in on the black hole and reestablishes the
jets, shutting down star formation once again.
NGC 1266 is located approximately
100 million light-years away in the constellation Eridanus. Leticular galaxies
are spiral galaxies, like our own Milky Way, but they have little interstellar
gas available to form new stars.
Source: National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Colloquia, Lectures, Seminars, Meetings, Open Houses & Tours:
Colloquia, Lectures, Seminars, Meetings, Open Houses & Tours:
Colloquia: Carnegie (Tues.
4pm), UCLA, Caltech (Wed. 4pm), IPAC (Wed. 12:15pm) & other Pasadena (daily
Friday Night 7:30PM SBAS Monthly General Meeting
in the Planetarium at El Camino College (16007 Crenshaw
Bl. In Torrance)
Topic: “Edward Emerson Barnard: The World’s Greatest Observer of His
Time, 19th Century Astronomer and Astrophotography Pioneer”
Matthew Ota, Telescopes in Education Foundation
LAAS General Meeting.
Event Horizon Theater 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM |
Jan 15 & 16 The von Kármán Lecture Series: 2015
Low Density
Supersonic Decelerator
January 15 & 16
As NASA plans ambitious new robotic missions to Mars, the
spacecraft needed to land safely on the red planet's surface necessarily
becomes increasingly massive, hauling larger payloads to accommodate extended
stays on the Martian surface. The heavier planetary landers of tomorrow,
however, will require much larger drag devices than any now in use to slow them
down -- and those next-generation drag devices will need to be deployed at
higher supersonic speeds to safely land vehicle, crew and cargo. NASA's
Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD) Technology Demonstration Mission, led
by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, has conducted full-scale, stratospheric tests
of these breakthrough technologies high above Earth to prove their value for
future missions to Mars.
Mr. Mark Adler, Project Manager & Dr. Ian Clark, Principal Investigator, JPL
Mr. Mark Adler, Project Manager & Dr. Ian Clark, Principal Investigator, JPL
Thursday, Jan 15, 2014, 7pm
The von Kármán Auditorium at JPL 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA › Directions Friday, Jan 16, 2014, 7pm The Vosloh Forum at Pasadena City College 1570 East Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA › Directions |
We offer two
options to view the live streaming of our webcast on Thursday: › 1) Ustream with real-time web chat to take public questions. › 2) Flash Player with open captioning If you don't have Flash Player, you can download for free here. |
8 Jan
AEA Astronomy
Club Meeting
Party & Astronomy Fun & Games, Astrophotos
following data are from the 2014 Observer’s Handbook, and Sky & Telescope’s
2014 Skygazer’s Almanac & monthly Sky at a Glance.
sun & moon rise/set/phase data for L.A.:
A weekly 5 minute video about what’s up in the night
Moon & Planets for January:
Moon: Jan 5 full, Jan 13
last quarter, Jan 20 new, Jan 27 1st quarter
Mercury, Venus & Mars are visible in the SW briefly after sunset. Jupiter
rises early evening in the east. Saturn is visible in the E in the
morning just before sunrise.
4 Jan. Quadrantid Meteors peak, double shadow transit (also Jan. 6, 10, 11, 13, 17, 20, 24 – also triple,
8-12 Jan. Venus & Mercury within 1 deg of each other in SW early evening.
Saturday Night In Town Dark Sky Observing Session at Ridgecrest Middle School– 28915 North Bay Rd. RPV, Weather
Permitting: Please contact Greg Benecke to confirm that the gate will be
LAAS Dark Sky Night : Lockwood Valley (Steve Kufeld Astronomical Site; LAAS members and their guests only)
out-of-town Dark Sky observing – contact Greg Benecke
Public Star Party: Griffith Observatory Grounds 2-10pm
Telescope, Binocular & Accessory Buying
About the Club
Internal (Aerospace): It is updated to
reflect this newsletter, in addition to a listing of past club mtg.
presentations, astronomy news,
& events from prior newsletters, club equipment, membership &
constitution. We have linked some presentation materials from past
mtgs. Our club newsletters are also
being posted to an external blog, “An Astronomical View”
Membership. For information, current dues & application, contact Alan Olson, or see the club website (or Aerolink folder) where a form is also available (go to the membership link/folder & look at the bottom). Benefits will include use of club telescope(s) & library/software, membership in The Astronomical League, discounts on Sky & Telescope magazine and Observer’s Handbook, field trips, great programs, having a say in club activities, acquisitions & elections, etc.
Committee Suggestions & Volunteers. Feel free to contact: Mark Clayson, President & Program Committee Chairman (& acting club VP), TBD Activities Committee Chairman (& club Secretary), or Alan Olson, Resource Committee Chairman (over equipment & library, and club Treasurer).
Mark Clayson,
AEA Astronomy Club President